Reading on Micro Frameworks


Get more with less and save size and energy.

Cam Jackson did a good job on the web site of martin fowler about extending the pattern of micro-services into the space of web applications.

It is not about building another framework but how to assemble the outcome of many teams into a single web application or web site.

Recommended reading for today:

In this december another article came up by an engineer writing about the benefits. See

Food for thought

If you like to explore this in detail there are several "micro" frontend frameworks around. See for a overview from 2020.

But why using another framework when HTML+JavaScript+CSS already gives you all options? See a book from 2015: ... and it got better since then.

Maybe it is a starting movement to do native development and avoid frameworks. Bootstrap 5 (a big but modular CSS framework) announce supporting plain JavaScript instead of jQuery (old), not Angular, React, Vue etc.

Comments and Background

There is a lot more to discover in modern browser technologies to create a reliable base to implement applications on native technologies and avoid the frameworks that blow up your web application. Especially I don't see why many frameworks and SPA applications focus on using JavaScript to deliver HTML and CSS. To have one js bundle file only is not a sufficient reasoning as HTML can be used and all other ressources can be inlined. They don't follow the original design.

I support another OpenSource project at that requires to implement a Web Layer for IoT devices with very flexible functionalitythat needs to fit together with firmware into just 4MByte. Here the goal is to stay within about 1 MByte but to deliver rich functionality.

This is where I did some of the PoCs you find in this calendar and the reason for looking into native supported technologies as much as it can be used to save size.

