Web without Frameworks


Why do we need frameworks like Angular, react, vue ?

There are many ways to build web applications without using a framework.

Sometimes it seams to me that frameworks and libraries solve problems with Javascript and Browsers that don't exist (any more).

As an example you can see that the base64 library is still downloaded a few 100 times a day and 25 more libraries depend on it. On the other side the btoa and atob functions exist in every javascript implementation as a native function.

Or: code like arr[arr.length-1] that can be replaced by arr.at(-1).

Or: using the fetch library instead of th fetch method in Node.JS (available since v18).

Much innovation was going on in JavaScript, CSS and HTML in the last 3-5 years and supporting all relevant browsers is quiet simpler since ie11 left the playgroud.

So thinks may happen:

So in the end we have to get more insights on the libraries you used to avoid using outdated and unmanaged libraries.

So here are some links regarding this topic:

See Also